Best government schemes for students in India

With this we article are going to discuss about different types of schemes which has been going to be launch for the students for their development and got their uses. The government has launched many schemes which we are going to discuss here the main purpose to launch this scheme to increase the education system where every student have to use this schemes to make there future bright so basically with this article we are going to explore the different government schemes for students in India.

List of Government Schemes For Students In India

1. Bihar free laptop Yojana
2. Prerana scheme for SC/ST students for higher education.
3. Prime ministers special scholarship scheme (PMSS)
4. Samriddhi scheme for SC/ST students.
5. Post-Matric Scholarship Scheme for Minorities.

Bihar Free Laptop Yojana

This is a government scheme which is going to launch for the Bihar students in this scheme Bihar government mainly offers many laptops whose worth is around rupees 25000 each the government is distributing this laptops to the students who have passed the 10th and 12th grade exams the main purpose of this program is to support the student as the pursue their academic goals and make their future bright.

Prerna Scheme for SC\ST Students for Higher Education.

This is the one of the most important Government scholarship scheme which is basically launched for the SC/st students. Where it provide a financial assistant to the institutions prepared to make additional efforts to help and prepare SC ST students for their goals where this is came as mainly goal to support the students to make their future bright and to provide a best or a higher education to the students.

Prime Ministers Special Scholarship Scheme

This scheme mainly offers a financial support to the students who were from Jammu and Kashmir where they were study outside the state for their undergraduate studies. Where a long with the financial aid, the cell also provide counselling and guidance to the students and to help them with various aspect of their education the main purpose of this scheme to support the Jammu and Kashmir students to make their future bright.

Samriddhi Scheme For SC/ST Students

Where the main purpose of this government scheme is to support sc/sc students who want to start their own business or startups after completing there graduation of formal education in the last year of studying where with this is scheme the government provides a financial assistance of 20 lakh rupees. This scheme mainy motivate the SC/ST students to do their business and make their future bright.

Post Matric Scholarship Scheme For Minorities

This scholarship is a government program which helps the students from minority community is pay and post secondary education in India this is scholarship is mainly based on the married and financial need where the eligible students must have pass their 10th or 12th grade exams with at least 50% marks and they must have to belong with a minority community this is came ly helps in their financial condition when they are post matric student.

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