Java was conceived by some scientist or engineers whose name is Jamesgosling, PatrickNaughton, Chris warth, Ed Frank, Mikesheridan at Sun microsystem in 1995 it takes about 18 months to develop the first working version.
This language was initially called oak but it was renamed in 1995 the language to drive much of the syntax from c and c++ but it is simplar than c++. Where Java is a pure object oriented language.
How jawa works
Java compile source code into a bite code and then it will be enterpreted to machine language or machine code where we can save it by using its we can save the file and we can run the file where we want if it is a mack or windows.
History of Java
Where James Gosling often called as the father of the Java pioneered in June 1991 as a project who is called as oak . Where the James main aim to develop a virtual machine and language with a well known notation like C.
Their are some primary objectives to develop the Java
1. The object oriented approach should be approved and developed .
2. Where Java allow multiple operating system to run the same program
3. It provides a built-in computer network support.
4. It is very simple and easy to use .
Where Java programs consider it appropriate to use extensions like COBRA , Internet communications Engine .
Features of Java
Java was designed to be easy for the professional programers to learn and use effectively. If you already understand the basic concepts of object oriented programing then it is easier to use .
Object oriented
Although influenced by its predicers. Java was not designed to be source code compatible with any other language.
This allowed the Java team the freedom to design with a blank slake. Outcome of this was clean and usable uproach to objects .
Where we are talking about security where java comes at top because Java provided a high security where java security feature it enables us to develop virus free systems .
Java programers always run in Java environment with almost null interaction with systems operating system hence it is more secure.
Where java is more portable because it takes minimum memory because of high codes. It can moved from one machine to another machine effectively.
Java makes an effort to eliminate errors codes by focusing and mainly compile time errors checking and run time checking.
But the main areas which java improved for memory management and mishandle.